Welcome to our crystal index, a place to find the properties and meanings of each of the crystals our jewellery is handmade with.

Please note: Our property and meaning descriptions are formed from many well-known publications on crystal healing. Crystals should not be used to replace any other form of therapy, but instead can be used alongside them to support your journey. We have a dedicated blog post for the publications that we have found useful in understanding how crystals can support our life path, if you would like to read further. 


Courage • Communication • Tolerance

Said to be the ‘Stone of Courage,’ Aquamarine works with the throat chakra to aid communication. It encourages a reduction of stress and can have a calming effect, improving your tolerance of others, particularly if you are sensitive to the actions and opinions of others. 


Balancing • Soothing • Universal Love

Amazonite is said to support the balancing of masculine and feminine energies. It is believed to be soothing of troublesome and fearful thoughts, helping you to see different perspectives to a challenge. It is used in crystal healing for the attraction of universal love. 


Emotional Balance • Peaceful Sleep • Calming Anxious Thoughts

A favourite of Miranda's, amethyst is aligned to the third eye chakra and is said to work by balancing and protecting the mind, stabilising racing thoughts, strong emotional feelings, such as anger or rage, and aiding relaxation for sleep. It can help to reduce and soothe the physical effects of stress including migraines, headaches and insomnia. 

Baltic Amber

Anti-inflammatory • Relief • Healing

Whilst not a crystal, Amber is very popular amongst the crystal community, and rightly so! Amber is a fossilised tree resin. Produced 44 million years ago, this resin was exuded by trees when the atmosphere of the earth became warmer.

In terms of how we can welcome its properties into our lives, you may have heard of jewellery, such as anklets or bracelets, for babies, helping them through their teething phase. One of the main properties of Amber is Succinic Acid which is a natural anti-inflammatory. When worn against the skin, it is said that our warm body temperature enables the amber to produce an oil that contains small quantities of succinic acid. Once absorbed by the skin, its natural anti-inflammatory properties are said to set to work. 

Blue Lace Agate

Communication • Soothing • Serenity

Aligned to the throat chakra, blue lace agate captures a peaceful and delicate blue with white banding and crystallising quartz, hence its beautiful naming. 

As a nurturing crystal, Blue Lace Agate is said to have mental and emotional healing properties, supporting the wearer in bringing their energy down, promoting serenity and calmness. It is also a beautiful stone for supporting clear verbal expression of thoughts and feelings that can feel bottled up, a burden or are difficult to share. 

Cantera Opal

Imagination • Passion • Optimism

Cantera opal is said to contain the energy of light. With its fabulous flashes of vibrant colours, from greens to oranges, blues and reds, this Mexican opal is carved with its matrix in tact, as it is difficult to carve out in case of spoiling the stone. A window is cut into the matrix to allow the stone to shine through. Cantera opal is said to support you in overcoming a stagnant period in your life and inspire imagination and passion to move you forward and achieve your dreams. 

Clear Quartz

Master Healer • Versatile • Balance

Known as the Master Healer, if you are looking to give our crystal charm bracelets as a gift, this is the perfect starting point. It is a powerful gift from Mother Earth that works with all chakras, cleansing and balancing. 

Clear Quartz is most commonly used by crystal healers as a fantastic crystal for bringing the body back to balance by restoring, regulating, absorbing and releasing energy.  It also works to support the amplification of the energetic properties of other crystals, so is a great base if you are looking to add charms to your bracelet. 


Love • Passion • Courage

A beautiful deep crystal, Garnet's alluring physical qualities and gemmy rich maroon hues are simply gorgeous. A stone often used in jewellery symbolising love, this stone supports the promotion of self-confidence, giving you the courage to step into your stride with self-love and love for others. 

With its strong connections to love, it goes without saying that this crystal is perfectly aligned with the heart chakra, said to provide mental and emotional healing in the nurturing of relationships and sexual energy. It is also recommended by crystal healers as a powerful stone for grounding, aligning to the root chakra, promoting the feeling of security.

Golden Healer

Healing • Self-Esteem • Optimism

Aligned to the crown chakra, Golden healer, as its name, is said to be a powerful healer, that dispels negative energy and inspires inner peace. It is said to support the reflection of past experiences and combat low self-esteem, improving optimism so you can live life to its full potential. 

Green Aventurine

Opportunity • Compassion • Success

Green Aventurine is a popular stone to support the manifestation of abundance, prosperity and luck. It helps us to embrace new experiences with optimism and make the most of what life presents to us. 

Aligned to the heart chakra, it is wonderful for promoting self-love, combating self doubt that may be holding you back from engaging in new challenges that foster your growth and development. It is also a wonderful companion for those new to leadership roles. 


Vision • Independence • Intuition

Known as the ‘Vision Stone’, Iolite is aligned to the third eye chakra. It is believed to help you to express your true self, access intuitive insight from within, trusting yourself to use this inner instinct. If you have recently been in a codependent relationship, it is said that Iolite can support you in self-responsibility, helping you to embody independence and courage. 


Unconditional Love • Protective • Expression

Kunzite is believed to be a truly heart-centred and heart-warming crystal, focused around unconditional love. It is said to shield the aura from energies that do not serve us and supports us in expressing our feelings. It is said to be mood lifting and helps us to act on constructive feedback.


Transformation • Grounding • Calm

Aligned to the third eye and crown chakra, this beautiful stone is wonderful for the over-workers and over-thinkers, helping to absorb negative energies and encouraging you to see the incredible person within you. 

It offers protection and grounding, whilst supporting change within you, letting go of old patterns or behaviours that no longer serve you. 


Calming • Anti-stress • Self-love

Lepidolite is one of Miranda's favourites! Lepidolite contains lithium, a mineral that is known for supporting the symptoms of depression and anxiety when used in prescribed medication. When worn or held, lepidolite has a beautifully soft energy that can be calming and centring, and its patterns and inclusions are mesmerising, forming little purple clouds. 

This crystal is wonderful to work with for the third eye chakra, and, when used during meditative practice, can support an enlightening experience and calming of the racing mind. 


Amplification • Spiritual • Energetic

Also known as Garden Quartz, Lodolite is a fascinating included quartz that has the appearance of tufty plant like inclusions. Aligned to the third eye and crow chakra, this stone promotes spiritual growth and your connection with higher realms and manifestation. It helps us to evaluate past experiences to enhance growth in the present. It is said to be an energetic amplifier working to boost the properties of other crystals it is paired with due to its quartz content. 


Transformation • Harmony • Restoration

With its vibrant green bandings, malachite is a wonderful stone for transformation. Malachite can help us to recognise the patterns that need changing in our lives, and in response, becoming more adventurous in decision making. When aligned with the heart chakra, Malachite can support emotional healing in the loss of a loved one or trauma that are stubbornly deep rooted and are yet to be fully healed, and can help to draw out these feelings to address unwanted binds. 


Growth • Change • Decision-Making

Mookaite is an Australian Jasper. It is said to support you with nourishment whilst going through stressful experiences, and facing difficult decisions. It can support our personal growth, accepting changes in life’s journey and finding new passions. 

Moonstone (White)

Emotional-Stability • Peace • Soothing

With its fabulous blue flashes, moonstone is a fantastic stone to celebrate femininity. Not only the birth stone for Cancerians, moonstone is said to beautifully support the stabilisation of emotions and bring you to peace. Used by crystal healers for emotional stress, this soothing crystal, is the ‘Stone of New Beginnings’. Aligned to the crown chakra, it can teach us intuition and empathy, whilst supporting the divine feminine, menstrual cycle and pregnancy. 

Moss Agate

Grounding • Nature • Amplification

We know we have some Moss Agate fans out there, and rightly so! Also called the "Stone of Mother Gaia", our moss agate beads are like a time capture or a birds-eye view of the forest. This wonderful stone is a beautiful reminder and connector to our leafy Earth. 

Helping to keep you grounded, Moss Agate is aligned to the Root Chakra, and is known as a powerful amplifier. Keeping this crystal close by, you will be mesmerised by it's beauty and detail; falling into it's little foresty world, filling your lungs with fresh pine, feeling the warm sunlight on your face and hearing the trickling water stream through the woods. A true sensual experience, reminding you to breathe deeply. 

Obsidian (Black)

Grounding • Protective • Self-Empowerment

Black Obsidian is said to be a powerful grounding stone for the Root Chakra. Supportive during change, black obsidian can encourage the repelling of negative energy and enhance self-reflection and control. This internal reflection can help to bring negative energies to the surface so they can be released, resulting in the growth of the soul. It is a crystal that is supportive of empowerment, reminding us to embrace self-empowerment for the good of all people, not for personal gain. 

Orange Calcite

Joy • Creativity • Fertility

Orange calcite has a wonderful vibrant energy. It is said to energise and maximise potential, whilst dispelling fear. It is believed to bring joy, creativity and positivity as an uplifting crystal. In crystals healing, it works with the lower chakras, particularly the sacral, where it is believed to support fertility for those wanting to start a family. 

Pink Aventurine

Hope • Courage • Future Happiness

Pink Aventurine is said to help you to ‘live from the heart’. It is believed to be wonderful for manifestation and creativity, supporting your life goals and visions with courage, hope and bravery. This crystal is all about inspiring you to create a happier future on the journey ahead. 

Pink Tourmaline 

Trust • Self-Love • Safety

Pink Tourmaline is said to support us in the attraction of love. Aligned to the heart chakra, pink tourmaline can support us in reminding us to trust in love and that it is safe to love. It can help to remind us to love ourselves before loving others and encourages deep emotional healing of lingering painful feelings, such as past breakups or ended relationships. When included in Quartz, Quartz acts as an amplifier of other crystals, so the properties listed above will be encouraged and increased by the quartz. 

Pink Zebra Jasper

Action • Stability • Calming

Pink Zebra Jasper is said to be great for helping you to jump into action and enjoy life to the fullest. By helping to abolish overthinking, Pink Zebra Jasper is believed to help to provide stability, calming the mind and grounding your energy. Aligned to the heart chakra, it can help to challenge bitterness and anger that may linger, to support you in stepping into your beautiful future life path. 


Positive Attitude • Love • Compassion

Rhodochrosite is said to be a wonderful crystal for the heart and relationships. encouraging a positive attitude to love and symbolising selfless love and compassion. When used with the base chakras, Rhodochrosite can help to bring negative or painful emotions to the surface to release them.


Forgiveness • Self-Love • Achievement

Rhodonite is aligned to the heart chakra, and is said to support in the self-realisation of the ability to reach one’s potential. It can support when shock or panic experiences occur as well as difficult past experiences, promoting forgiveness and self-love.

Rose Quartz

Loving Vibes • Friendship • Comfort

Helping to purify and open the heart, Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal for the promotion of self-love, harmony of relationships and unconditional love. Like a warm nurturing hug, this crystal can act as a reassuring comfort in times of grief or uncertainty, reminding you of your self-worth and to put yourself first. 

Smoky Quartz

Grounding • Protective • Purification

Smoky Quartz has many loyal fans and is one that had to make it into our collection! As a crystal that is thought to be protective in its qualities, smoky quartz works with the sacral and root chakra, to help to stabilise and ground you. It's grounding and protective properties are said to support you in moving past difficult experiences and emotional pain or other strong emotions tied to the situation. 

Smoky quartz can help to increase inner security, clear negative energy and empower the wearer with self confidence.